Increase Testosterone Levels With These Heavy Bag Workouts

If you want to increase your testosterone levels, and have fun doing it, you have reached the right article. This article will give you a few different fun ways you can punch your way to peak testosterone levels while working out with a heavy bag. I don’t know about you, but whenever I am stressed … Read more

Try HIIT for a Killer Testosterone Workout

HIIT Testosterone Workout

When you are looking to increase your testosterone levels naturally, try HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) for a killer testosterone workout.  Just like any testosterone increasing workout, HIIT is hard.  The good news is, it boosts your hormone levels and it involves shorter periods of time to do it.  High Intensity Interval Training is extremely … Read more

Home Workout for Increasing Your Testosterone Levels


Looking for a home workout for increasing your testosterone levels? I have been researching ways to increase testosterone in the body, for many years now and I am confident in recommending workouts, diets and supplements to increase your levels naturally. At the age of 37 years old, I was suffering from low testosterone levels and … Read more

Does Testosterone Burn Fat- Testosterone Burns Fat and Fat Can Prevent Testosterone

does testosterone burn fat

Does testosterone burn fat? The better question to ask is; How does testosterone burn fat? This is where you can find the answers to both questions and more.  My experience and research with testosterone over the past 5 years, or so, has been extensive. Suffering from low testosterone levels myself, led me to learn everything … Read more