Hot Rawks Review- A Top Testosterone Supplement

Here is a detailed review of a top testosterone supplement called Hot Rawks. Your Libido will thank you for this one.


With all the buzz out there for increasing your testosterone levels, looking for the right one may be a task that can be overwhelming.

When I search for the best supplements or the best of anything, I also look for the price as well as something that may be a little different or a little more useful.

Hot Rawks is one of those different, but useful in many ways, type of supplement. If you are looking for a testosterone booster, this one is one you might want to take notice of.

Raw Nation is the Company and Hot Rawks is a supplement all natural, safe, organic, vegan, non-GMO, herbal whole food supplement that is specifically designed to enhance your testosterone for libido, your sexual performance, and energy levels without the use of harsh chemicals and pesticides. The ingredients are also shown to help with losing body fat and increasing lean muscle mass.

It is also multi useful in that it is produced to benefit both male and females and will enhance both sexually. Taken together, a couple can become Tarzan and Jane and recapture anything lost by low levels of testosterone in your body.

Special Ingredient Cocoa

Hot Rawks contains Cocoa without all the sugar you will find in chocolate. This cocoa is in the purest form and for years chocolate has been known as a natural aphrodisiac.

Tryptophan, phenylalanine, and tyrosine, are the three ingredients found in chocolate to be the building blocks of protein and two of these are precursors of dopamine which enhances your feelings of pleasure.
A Harvard Study (1)

This study shows chocolate to actually slow down the process of aging.

Other Ingredients In Hot Rawks


    Low testosterone levels are tough on your sex drive and Tribulus Terrestri is one of the older but better supplements on the market for increasing your levels. This plant is known for helping to increase lean muscle mass, increasing your libido, and has been used for years by men and women in many countries with great results.


    Known as Horny Goats Weed, this ingredient is great for increasing your libido, helps with erectile dys, and enhances your sexual performance. All these benefits are due to the increase in testosterone.


    Koren Ginseng is a plant used for many years to treat impotence, erectile dys and increasing the hormone testosterone in the body. Ginseng helps get your sexual health in the body firing on all cylinders.



Increasing serotonin levels is the main of Catuaba Bark. Not necessarily the testosterone boosting ingredient of the century, increasing energy, acting as an anti depressant will give you the energy levels to perform. Keeping your stress levels down is just one more thing you need to do to keep or increase your testosterone levels in the body. So this ingredient is one of the multi benefits included per serving.


Cayenne Powder for years has been included in fat loss supplements. Losing belly fat is important to keeping testosterone levels high. Cayenne is also used to increase endorphins levels, and for cardio vascular health. It will heat up the body to regulate your metabolism giving you overall internal health. There is actually a diet recommended for weight loss including maple syrup, cayenne pepper, and lemon juice. This ingredient is powerful and will only help with keeping the body prime to increase testosterone naturally.


  • Maca root is similar to broccoli and is used to increase testosterone levels, including an enhanced libido, and also used as an aphrodisiac.
  • Benefits are reported to increase muscle, testosterone, energy, and libido. Originated in Peru this strong supplement will provide you a organic rush of nutrients to supplement your hormones and increase your testosterone levels.

As you may notice, all the ingredients have organic in front of them so you will be getting the purest of forms when you supplement with this booster.

The ONLY QAI certified organic libido enhancer on the market

How Hot Rawks Benefits You

Raw Nations patented Hot Rawks, was created with its ingredients, in the purest of forms. It is one of the worlds best all natural supplements, providing better health, and increasing your libido and testosterone.

Loaded with pure super foods and aphrodisiacs, this supplement is a good source to get your rocks going, both men and women.

Men have reported increases in sexual desire, sexual mood, stabilized stress, testosterone increases, loss of body fat and increased muscle from the protein synthesizing compounds.

Women have reported increased libido, sexual performance, sex drive and increased lubrication.

Like no other, Hot Rawks provides the nutrients needed to help women in the same way as men.

Hot Rawks Important Facts

There are no chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, or any other toxic substances of any kind In this supplement. Natural Herbs and super foods are the totality of each serving, providing pure organic nature made substances.

Because it is all natural and purely organic, the potency is a lot higher, from being harvested wildly without chemicals. Just like when you get a truck full of potatoes harvested and grown with hormones and chemicals, the potatoes will not last long and have to be rushed in order to cut and process. The potatoes grown without will last on a shelf for quite a long time. Hot Rawks is the same.

Many companies state their products are all natural but that is different from organic in that all natural product can still contain chemicals in them. Hot Rawks is better for the simple fact that there are in fact no chemicals in it.

Hot Rawks is a safe, natural, and organic alternative to prescription medications and without the dangerous side effects of some. You can feel comfortable in being a horn dog knowing there is nothing bad going into your body to produce these feelings of sexual desire.

Again, Hot Rawks is more that just a libido enhancer. It provides better circulation, mood, stress, stamina, energy, and increased metabolism. Your immune system will benefit as will your hormones. All of these benefits are things that can only benefit your testosterone levels as well. So, overall vitality is what you can expect.
Superfoods are ingredients that have dozens of benefits and Hot Rawks has all super foods in each serving.

Cost and Guarantee 

The cost of Hot Rawks is $39.95 for a 1-month supply. That comes to approximately $2 per serving.

Risk Free 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

Investigative Findings

Hot Rawks is taking Sirius Radio by storm. Featured on Playboy Radio and other stations, this supplement is increasing in popularity by day and becoming one of the most recognized libido enhancers promoted and recommended by anyone in the adult industry and is also scientifically studied and doctor recommended.

The best thing you can do for your sex life and for your partners as well is get your hands on this booster. You will reap the benefits and become a believer.

Here is a link to the homepage of Hot Rawks where you can get more information, and find the purchase plans available.

Click Here for Hot Rawks

Mark T:
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