10 Reasons Why Testosterone is Needed in Your Body

Why testosterone is Needed

Why Testosterone Is Needed  Testosterone is an important hormone needed to function in life.  For you, me, and every other male, your testosterone levels start to decrease by 1% to 2%, after the age of 30-years-old.  Unfortunately, this is a fact, and by the time you are 40, you may be down from 10% to … Read more

Low Testosterone and Sex- Low Levels Can Complicate Your Relationship

Low Libido

Low Testosterone and Sex Low Testosterone and sex are words many men refuse to talk about in the same sentence.  The problem is many men ignore low testosterone levels for the fear of embarrassment, pride, or just being unaware. For me it was a little of all three.  I was 38 years old.  My wife … Read more

10 Natural Ways to Increase Testosterone- A Guide For Better Sex, Increased Energy, Fat Loss, and Lean Muscle

Natural Ways to Increase Testosterone

Natural Ways To Increase Testosterone Natural ways to increase testosterone are the ways to look to when your suffering from low testosterone levels.  Natural was should be the first ways you try to increase your levels. The next step after trying naturally would be, seeing your doctor and getting a prescribed treatment or therapy regimen. … Read more

Does Testosterone Burn Fat- Testosterone Burns Fat and Fat Can Prevent Testosterone

does testosterone burn fat

Does testosterone burn fat? The better question to ask is; How does testosterone burn fat? This is where you can find the answers to both questions and more.  My experience and research with testosterone over the past 5 years, or so, has been extensive. Suffering from low testosterone levels myself, led me to learn everything … Read more

Testosterone Supplements That Really Work- Avoid False Claims and Fancy Labels

Testosterone Supplements That Really Work Here is how to find testosterone supplements that really work and how to spot an impostor looking to steal your money with a false claim. If you have searched for a product that can help you increase testosterone, then you know there are thousands out there.  Thousands of supplements can … Read more